General updates for Faculty Success users
Exciting news! The process of implementing Faculty Web Profiles phase II is underway. However, we are needing all users to review and clean up data as you review your data quarterly. Faculty Web Profiles will automatically generate based upon your Faculty Success data and no additional websites will need to be managed outside Faculty Success.
The following Faculty Success data content will be used:
- Personal contact information – Name, email, and office phone
- Yearly – School and department
- Biography & expertise – Biography
- Degrees – Degree, school, and completion year
- License/Certifications – Title, organization, and year obtained
- Awards & honors – Award/Honor name, organization, and year
- Scheduled teaching (Most recent only) – Course prefix and number, course name, and term
- Publications (Published only) – Type, title, and year published
- Presentations – Type, title, and year of presentation
- Service (Clinical, university, professional, and public) – Role, organization, start & end year
NOTE: If there is no data in a category above, the icon will not display.
In order to present the above data publicly, you will need to complete some data cleanup and selection of key activity first. Reference the attached Web Profile Guideline document for details.
Communication & Marketing will also be involved in reviewing data content and providing recommendations and corrections per the University Style Guide.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me or your school’s representative listed here.