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  • Mobile Device Management (MDM) Program

    About MDM

    The ATSU Mobile Device Management (MDM) program helps protect university data when employees use their personal mobile devices to access University services.

    Participating in the ATSU MDM program means:

    1. An app is downloaded to your personal mobile device, and
    2. Your personal smartphones and/or tablet is/are registered with ATSU’s MDM system. Once the app is installed and the device(s) registered, institutional policies can be enforced when personal devices are used to access University data. Additionally, if the device is lost or stolen, all University data and access can be easily removed.

    This program started in January 2020, with all employees who receive mobile device reimbursement being automatically enrolled in the ATSU MDM program (see Policy 55-112 linked below.)

    Employees that don’t participate in reimbursement, but use their mobile device for ATSU business, should contact the ITS service desk to be enrolled in the MDM group. After that, we’ll send you an email with the final steps you will need to take.

    Supervisors – Please be sure that qualifying employees are following these enrollment procedures.

    ATSU Mobile Device Management Policy 55-112 (Requires ATSU login)

    MDM User Group

    We utilize a Google Group to address questions, gather feedback, improve documentation and generally share information about Mobile device management at ATSU. Participants will be enrolled in this group.


    We have gathered frequently asked questions to assist you in getting started with MDM. If you have questions that aren’t answered in the FAQs please post them in the MDM User Group or contact the service desk.

    Mobile Device Management is a set of software tools that ensure personal mobile devices are configured to mitigate the risk of ATSU data being inappropriately accessed. 

    Personal mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are increasingly being used to access ATSU information and conduct University business.  While convenient, the use of personal devices also comes with responsibility. It is important to take the necessary steps to protect ATSU data and services in order to minimize the risk when a personal device is lost, stolen, or otherwise available to any non-authorized person. 

    If you use your personal mobile device to access your ATSU Email, Google Drive, or other services, then you are conducting University business on the device.  

    Accessing any application where you enter your ATSU account information should be considered work-related.

    Anyone who receives reimbursement from ATSU for their mobile device service is required to enroll in MDM. See ATSU Policy 50-102 Section B,

    All other employees are highly encouraged to enroll in MDM. Employees in this category should inform their supervisor that they access via a mobile device. Your supervisor will then seek the appropriate dean or President’s Cabinet-level approval. See Policy 55-112.

    ITS will place the appropriate employee names in what we call the MDM group. Placement in that group will generate an email to you, with instructions to install a special app (called Google Policy Manager) on your mobile device(s). This app allows ATSU administrators to ensure your device is configured to protect ATSU data. If your device is lost or stolen, report it to the ATSU Service Desk and access to ATSU data and services will be removed from the device.

    Both iOS and Android devices are supported.

    The Mobile Device Management application helps segment your personal data from your ATSU data by creating a work profile on the device. No personal data is captured or monitored through the use of MDM. MDM administrators will be able to see:

    • Only those applications that are installed using your ATSU credentials
    • Device Information
      • Manufacturer and Model 
      • Device ID
      • Serial Number
      • Operating System and version
    • Dates and Times your device synchronizes with ATSU data

    ITS will NOT be able to access any information related to:

    • Applications which are not installed through the work profile
    • The location or movement of the device

    Simply put, No.  Personal data is not captured or monitored through the use of MDM; it is designed to protect University data (i.e., email messages). This means if your device becomes lost or stolen, the University can remotely wipe University profile data from the device.

    NOTE: You should not use your ATSU account for personal business. See policy 55-104, section B-4

    If you leave ATSU, you will be removed from the MDM group and your ATSU data will be removed. The personal data on your device will not be altered.

    No. The impact of MDM is minimal.

    Contact the service desk immediately so they can remotely remove University data from the device. Administrators can use either of 2 options to remove data from the device:

    Wipe the Device – This is done only at the request of the user and removes all data.

    Wipe the Account – This is the default and removes only ATSU data.

    Unfortunately, it depends upon your device, its operating system, and how the device is configured before adding the MDM Google Policy Manager App. Once the app is installed, you will be required to use a password or fingerprint recognition (if supported) to unlock your device. While the additional data security features may take some getting used to, most users find the changes to be minimal.

    No, Jail-broken devices are potential security hazards.

    There are 2 ways to get help:

    • Send a message to the MDM user group forum.
    • Contact the ITS Service Desk at ext. 2200


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