Faculty Success’ Activity Insight User Guide

The process for maintaining information within Faculty Success contains an initial data load and then subsequent monthly information updates for new activities.

Faculty Success’ Activity Insight Data Entry Cycle

After logging in to Faculty Success you will see the Activity Insight Main page.

There are 5 Main Areas of Faculty Activity, some information has been preloaded for you and others will require data to be entered:

  • General Information
  • Teaching/Mentoring
  • Scholarship/Research
  • Service
  • Goals

Data Entry Tips

In particular the following are important tips for when first entering data into Faculty Success. Also, check out the faculty/staff guide on the Faculty Success website

Faculty/Staff Guide

Entering Dates

Dates entered for Faculty activity are critical and at a minimum you can enter the year the activity took place to allow for subsequent reporting. If no date information is entered it will not show up in reports.

Long Text Entry

If you have a long string of text to enter into Faculty Success, it is best to enter the data in a Word document and then cut and paste into the Faculty Success entry screen. This avoids entering data into Faculty Success and then being interrupted and being timed out (90 min)of the your DM session and losing your data entry.

Using PasteBoard

The PasteBoard feature allows you to copy a large amount of text from another document (ie CV from Word) and paste it into PasteBoard. The select text from PasteBoard and click-and-hold on the selected text and drag into the input screen field. See more information on PASTEBOARD here.

General information

Personal and Contact Information

Faculty demographics information like name, office email and phone number, gender, race/ethnicity, citizenship and Official headshot photo.
Data source: HRIS system

Biography and Expertise

A brief biography and any specialty/expertise that will display on the Faculty Web Profile on the ATSU website (future use).
Data source: Faculty input

Administrative Data – Permanent Data

Faculty’s start date and current rank and date attained.
Data source: HRIS system

Administrative Data – Yearly Data

The primary College, Department, academic rank and FTE percentage.
Data source: HRIS system

Administrative Assignments (required)

If faculty have an administrative position as one of the following titles:
President, Vice-President, Provost/Associate/Assistant, Dean/Vice/Associate/Assistant, and anyone who supervises or evaluates faculty and reports directly to the Dean of their school or college enter your information.
Data source: Faculty input

Medical Affiliations

Organizations that faculty are affiliated with like hospitals or clinics.
Data source: Faculty input

Awards and Honors

Awards and/or Honors either nominated or received.
Data source: Faculty input


Consulting experience either paid or non-paid (e.g., academic, government, NGO, litigation, statistical)
Data source: Faculty input

Degrees and Certificates (required)

Academic degrees earned with highest degree earned indicator.
Data source: Faculty input

Licensures and Certifications (required)

Licensures and certifications specific to your position. Include updates for renewal of licenses.
Data source: Faculty input

Difference between certificates and certifications


  • Completed training or education
  • Obtaining new knowledge or skills
  • Issued upon completion of a course or series of courses
  • Course content may not be required to comply with subject matter standards
  • Usually listed on a resume detailing education
  • One-time attainment: no ongoing requirements in order to maintain


  • Successfully passed an exam
  • Acknowledging knowledge and skills from experience
  • Issued upon demonstration of mastery/competency as measured against a set of standards, usually by exam
  • Standards set through a defensible industry-wide process
  • Typically results in a designation to use after one’s name (e.g. CPA, CCRN)
  • Has ongoing requirements in order to maintain

Graduate/Post Graduate Training

Residency, Internship, Fellowship instruction
Data source: Faculty input

Faculty Development Activities Attended (required)

Annual list of faculty development events attended (e.g., conferences that you did not present at, continuing education programs, ATSU assessment series workshops, seminars etc.)
Data source: Faculty input

Media Contributions (Non-Authored)

Sharing expertise via media outlets that you did not publish (e.g., TV, Radio, newsprint, internet, etc.)
Data source: Faculty input

Professional Membership

Membership in professional organizations.
Data source: Faculty input


Professional References
Data source: Faculty input

Work History

Work experience (Academic, Clinical, Professional, Government…)
Data source: Faculty input

WorkLoad Information (required)

An annual workload indication of Percentage of time spent on
Teaching, Research, Clinical, Service and Administrative efforts.
Data source: Faculty input


Academic Advising (required)

Helping students clarify their career and life goals. Letters of recommendation written for students. This a summary of the number of students and approximate hours spent per year.
Data source: Faculty input

Directed Student Learning

Overseeing student learning (e.g., thesis, dissertation, independent study, research, teaching, internship …) Enter each students name.
Data source: Faculty input

Mentoring (required)

Mentoring of professional faculty/staff and students. Enter specific Student/Faculty/Staff names and approximate hours spent per year.
Data source: Faculty input

Non-Credit Instruction Taught

Non-academic credit instruction (e.g., Faculty Dev course, lecture or seminar.)
Data source: Faculty input

Clinical Teaching

Clinical teaching activities (e.g., Clinical Supervision, Grand Rounds, Simulation…)
Data source: Faculty input

Scheduled Teaching (required)

Courses taught. Data is preloaded with Instructor of Course from CampusNexus and then Instructor of course to add additional instructors.
Data source: CampusNexus and Faculty input

Teaching Innovation and Curriculum development

Faculty activity were faculty are developing a new curriculum for a new program/certification being offered or a new type of teaching instrument (Qualtrics).
Data source: Faculty input


Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research (required)

Grants, contracts, sponsored research either under review, funded or non-funded status. Note: This is entered from the Sponsored Research Grants database on a Quarterly basis.
Data source: Grants d/b and Faculty input

Exhibits and Performances

Exhibit and performances activity. (e.g., Museum exhibit activities)
Data source: Faculty input

Intellectual Property

Patents and copyrights.
Data source: Faculty input

Presentations (required)

Professional presentations (e.g., demonstration, keynote/primary address, lecture, oral presentation, poster …)
Data source: Faculty input

Publications (required)

Contributions to publishing original scholarly work in peer-reviewed professional publications (policy analysis, case studies, integrative reviews of the literature, technical applications, practice issues, books).
Data source: Faculty input

Research Activity in Progress

Research in planning, on-going or writing results phase.
Data source: Faculty input


Clinical (required)

Use for Clinical employees only.Hospital or Still OPTI, Preceptor
Data source: Faculty input

University (required)

Committee or Service Projects for the University. List of standing committees in drop down selection.
Data source: Faculty input

Professional (required)

Activity done on behalf of a professional organization, committee, or club (e.g., meeting attendee, Board of Advisors or Directors of a Company, chairperson, committee chair or member, conference-related, editor, etc.)
Data source: Faculty input

Public (required)

Community boards and engagement activities (e.g., meeting attendee, chairperson, committee chair or member, discussant, external grant proposal reviewer, guest speaker, member, etc.)
Data source: Faculty input


Faculty Goals by AY (required)

Annual goals by faculty for:

  • Teaching/Clinical Goals for Academic Year
  • Research/Scholarly Goals for Academic Year
  • Service/Administration Goals for Academic Year
  • Continuing Education and Personal Development Goals for Academic Year
  • Resources needed to accomplish Goals

Data source: Faculty input

Quick Reference Guide to Faculty Success’ Activity Insight Screens

This guide provides direction for what Faculty Success screen to enter your Faculty Activities. Not every screen requires input the items highlighted in green are the minimum required if applicable.

Faculty Success Quick Reference Guide